Advertising 101

Run Ads Like A Pro
2 min readMay 11, 2022


Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

Few decades ago, only market giants like Coca Cola and LG could utilize the benefits of advertising via radio, ad placements and chiefly, TV commercials. Today, thanks to digital, start-ups and small businesses utilize Search Engines and Social Media to advertise their goods and services at drastically cheaper rates, to an even much larger audience.

Digital advertising flaunts the following benefits:

  1. Extensive audience reach
  2. Targeting
  3. Analytics

Before running ads, there are some things you should keep in mind:

Know your target audience.

While advertising offers a wide reach, effective ad strategies have a target audience in mind. The whole idea with advertising is to get your ads before people likely to buy your product or service. Building a Customer Persona would be useful — an ideal customer profile — in defining your target audience.

Create effective ads

Ads are a tricky thing. To get them right, your ads, amongst other things, should: Have an enticing heading. The title of your ad should be magnetic, should pull the consumer in. Be brief. Don’t be long; the attention span of the typical human is a little over four seconds. Have a Call-To-Action. At the end of the ad, engage the consumer; invite them to learn more on your site, entice them to sign up to your mail-list for a gift — call them.

Key Performance Indicators

We thank sites like Google and Facebook for their sophisticated analytics services but you should know not all metrics matter. For example if you’re aiming for more site visits, your click-through rate would be more useful than number of likes or views.

Have you run ads for your business or are currently planning to? What are the challenges you’ve faced so far? Feel free to comment and let us know.

